Carla Massolini is a Film Director and Screenwriter based in Berlin, Germany.

She began working 8 years ago in the field of fashion and art in Argentina, where she was born and raised, which gave her the opportunity to work worldwide (Paris, Milan, Mexico and Germany) for a wide spectrum of international clients, from boutique to global scale in both photography and cinematography.

Following her passion for cinema and dialogues, she focused from 4 years till now exclusively in Film Direction, both in commercials and fiction.

She is currently in pre-production for her second Short Film and writing her first feature.

Her recent short 'To The Body' (2023) has been acknowledged at multiple festivals around the world, receiving  awards such as Best Female Director and Best Micro Short in Milan, Tokyo, Budapest and Berlin.

Each main character in her films stands as each of her Alter Egos. For this reason, her filmography focuses on female leading characters who navigate from drama to black comedy and thriller genre. 

Multidimensional, emotional, changing, divergent characters that attract and repel, like life itself. Cinema is the mirror where we reflect who we are and/or who we want to be, and putting this projection on the table (or the screen) is her absolute passion.

Behind each of her films, there is a story to be told and felt.

For a full portfolio + fashion film reels feel free to reach out.

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